Children’s Book Review: Poles Apart

Poles Apart: Why Penguins and Polar Bears Will Never Be Neighbors

By: Elaine Scott

Poles Apart, by Elaine Scott, is a great book about the Arctic and the Antarctic and how they formed over millions of years. It describes continental drift, migrations of people and animals, discoveries about the poles, and many interesting facts about how our globe works. This book is a wonderful resource for your 9-14 year old inquisitive young person. Packed with facts, great diagrams, and pictures, the pages describe the history of the world for the last 50 000 years. The author has made topics easy to find with a detailed table of contents of each chapter and a reference index at the back for the quick retrieval of specific topics.

penguins Children's Book Review: Poles Apart

If your young person would like to learn about the North and the South Poles, human migrations, climate change over millions of years, discoveries of a scientific nature pertaining to the continents and a host of other interesting facts about this spinning top we live on, then this is the book to get. It really helps young minds to see the awesome passing of time and the grand scope of our planet’s existence so far.

polar-bear-family Children's Book Review: Poles Apart

Hardcover: 64 pages

Publisher: Viking Children’s Books (Oct. 25 2004)

Author: Elaine Scott



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