Have a Snowball Fight

You are outside.
There is packing snow on the ground.
Your friends and family are looking bored and restless.
What do you do?

You start a friendly snowball fight!!

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Pick teams, go solo, hide behind objects, hide behind your best friend. There’s really only a few rules when it comes to snowball fights and most of them are more about safety.

Rules-Sign-300x236 Have a Snowball Fight#1 Don’t pack hard objects into your snowballs.

#2 Don’t throw a snowball right at someone’s face.

#3 If anyone doesn’t want to play, don’t force them.

#4 You can stop whenever you want.

#5 You need a nice cup of hot chocolate after you win or lose!

So make a bunch of snowballs, maybe create a fort and pick fair teams.

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Then practice your throw as you toss those snowballs at your opponents!

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