Restoule Provincial Park, 8818 Highway 534, Restoule, ON P0H 2R0
The following pictures of wildflowers and ferns were taken at the beginning of July 2015 at Restoule Provincial Park, Ontario.
Shinleaf Pyrola (native)
Yellow Wood Sorrel (native)
Ox-eyed Daisy (non-native)
Orange Hawkweed (non-native)
Cow Vetch; Blue Vetch (non-native)
Black-eyed Susan (native)
Cinnamon Fern (native)
Moss and Starflowers (native)
Common Mullein (non-native)
Wild Blueberries (native)
Heal-all (native)
Club-moss (native)
Wild Raspberries (native)
Variety of native ferns.
Northern Beech-Fern (native)
Cinnamon Fern (native)
St. John’s Wort (non-native)
Yarrow (native)