How To Make The Natural World More A Part Of My Life

I’ve been thinking about how I can make nature and the natural world more a part of my life. Like most people, I rise before the sun, scramble to get ready for the day, and head off to a concrete building, where I spend most of my time under fluorescent lights and away from windows going about my daily job. At the end of the day, I head home in the dark to another brick building, where I rush around preparing for the next day.

In this crazy denatured world, I feel a strong urge to make nature more a part of my daily life. It doesn’t have to be large amounts of time. A little wonder at our world can go a long way in rejuvenating a person’s soul and recharging our batteries.

I have come to cherish my drive to work and back. It’s my ‘National Geographic’ time. I make every second of it count. I am amazed at what I am able to find each day on the way to and from work just by being mindful and connected.

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Red-tailed hawk in flight.

Today, I was greeted by a large red-tailed hawk who swooped across my path and flew ahead of my car for 2 blocks. On another stretch of road, I saw such beautiful rosy light reflected on a freshly laden snowy field that it made me catch my breath in awe.

I made a point of feeling the crunch of the snow underfoot as I made my way to my car. Instead of dreading red lights, I spent the extra seconds trying to spot birds, looking at the wonderful snowy shapes the wind had whipped up and rolling my windows down to smell the wood smoke from fireplaces. I’m a sucker for a good fire. It reminds me of some the fantastic camping trips I’ve been on all across our beautiful country.

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Shaped Snowdrift.


These simple acts had the power to make me feel more a part of our spectacular world. The birds at my feeders as I got out of the car and walked towards my door were like my welcoming committee. They reminded me that we are all a part of a complex and beautiful planet that I plan to find as many moments to cherish as I can.

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Goldfinches on the feeder.

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Northern Cardinal on the feeder.


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