That’s the slogan for this year’s World Health Day.
From farm to plate, make food safe.
– World Health Organization, 2015
This year the WHO is highlighting the difficulties and opportunities that are associated with food safety. “New data on the harm caused by foodborne illnesses underscore the global threats posed by unsafe foods, and the need for coordinated, cross-border action across the entire food supply chain.”
• More than 200 diseases are spread through food and millions of people get sick and many die from eating unsafe food.
• Food that is contaminated with heavy metals or with naturally occurring toxins can cause cancer and neurological disorders.
• Vulnerable groups are more likely to be affected by foodborne diseases: the poor, infants, pregnant women, the sick and the elderly.
• Food can become contaminated anywhere along the complex food supply chain and globalization makes that chain longer.
• We all have a part to play in food safety.
What part do you play in making food safe?

To learn more about food safety facts, types of foodborne diseases and what is and can be done, please visit the WHO site.