On the morning of our last day at Silent Lake Provincial Park, we both talked about how we wished we were staying at least one more day. We didn’t get a chance to rent a canoe and enjoy the lake, but perhaps on our next visit we will prioritize getting out on the lake more. There are no motorboats allowed on the lake, which makes it peaceful and less congested. There are also two other lakes that are sometimes accessible by water, but often it requires a short portage to get to them (Soft and Quiet Lake).
In the morning I filmed the relaxing stream we came across during our hike along the Lakeshore Trail, you can find that video and others below or on our YouTube Channel.
We didn’t have to leave the park until around 2 pm so we decided to pack a lunch and hike the 3 kilometre Bonnie’s Pond Trail. What a fantastic trail! There were a lot of biting insects, but that seemed to be the way the summer was going. The trail wasn’t very challenging but it went through several landscapes, gave us views of a few marshy ponds and we stopped at the lookout to have lunch. The lookout, which was 300 metres off the trail, was definitely worth the short detour. There was a welcoming breeze, a bench and a gorgeous lookout with a view of Silent Lake. Highly recommeded!
Watch the entire Provincial Park Adventure 2019 below!