Canatara Park
1200 Lake Chipican Drive
Sarnia, ON N7T 7N2
An early morning spring walk through Tarzanland, in Canatara Park, delivered some beautiful reflections and scenery.

This narcissus was one of the first plants I saw that spring at Canatara.

Even without the leaves, this path still looks welcoming. Notice the green starting to come up on the forest floor.

Often in the spring the one lower side of Tarzanland floods. This morning was perfect to capture the reflections in the calm water.

This mallard couple were busy preening themselves on this log when I came across them.

The male mallard made a huge splash as it swam away from where I was standing.

More gorgeous reflections. You can barely tell where the reflection in the water begins and the tree trunk ends.

A perfectly still morning made for these spectacular reflections in the water.