Autumn Blaze of Goldenrod


Goldenrods are not making your allergies go crazy. This beautiful yellow flower, which has many species, is often blamed for causing hay fever but that is actually ragweed that is to blame. Both plants bloom at the same time of the year but ragweed produces a huge quantity of very light pollen that gets caught by the wind and carried as far as 200 kilometres away. Goldenrod does produce a bit of pollen but it is heavy and sticky, which means it does not get carried by the wind. All goldenrod species are pollinated by insects, which is why it is a great plant to have in your yard and throughout Ontario. Why not plant a species of goldenrod in your garden this year? We have Early, Stiff and Riddell’s goldenrods in our pollinator gardens.


Goldenrod Autumn Blaze of Goldenrod

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