Canatara Hosts the Yearly Spring Migration Of Songbirds

In the spring, Canatara Park, in Sarnia, Ontario, is a fantastic spot for birding. The shores of Lake Huron fall between two bird migration corridors: the Altantic Flyway and the Mississippi Flyway, which means there are a large variety of birds that have the potential to spot over in the park. The park also has quite a few year-round birds the can be seen and enjoyed. Early morning and just before dusk seems to be the prime times to spot and to photograph these beautiful creatures.

Below some of the birds we were able to capture during a walk around Lake Chipican. We saw Great Blue Heron, White-throated Sparrows, Kinglets, Orioles, Yellow Warblers, Black and White Warblers and a Brown Creeper. We also photographed Common Yellowthroat Warblers, Blackburnian Warblers, as well as an American Redstart. Keep in mind that there were many more birds in the thickets and that were too far away or too fast to photograph!

Just listening to the sounds of these visiting birds is a wonderful experience, so be sure to get out this spring during the migration to catch a glimpse of these wonderful creatures as they make their way to their summer breeding groups.

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