Did You Know About A Giraffe’s Blood Pressure?

The giraffe is the tallgiraffe-2222908_1280-300x200 Did You Know About A Giraffe's Blood Pressure?est animal on earth at over 5 metres high, with 2 metres of that being its neck. That’s a long way for their little hearts to be pumping blood, let alone at the rate that they do. Although their hearts are relatively, small compared to their body size, the walls of their hearts are really thick. The combination of those two features, along with the ability to change the size of the blood vessels allows these unique animals to suffer no ill effects from high blood pressure.

Giraffes have a ‘safety net’ built into their arteries and veins which helps equalize their blood pressure so that when they bend over to get a drink they don’t get a “head rush” like we might. The tight skin around their neck and legs also helps to keep blood and liquids from pooling at their feet and helps the blood to flow back to their hearts.

nature-3050260_1280-1024x763 Did You Know About A Giraffe's Blood Pressure?

Giraffes have been somewhat of a mystery for quite some time. It has only been fairly recently that specialists have started to seriously look at the amazing characteristics that giraffes have developed to survive. Some researchers are hoping to apply aspects of this new knowledge to human health issues.


BBC – Earth News – ‘Supercharged’ heart pumps blood up a giraffe’s neck. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8368000/8368915.stm

For Giraffes, Blood Circulation Is a Tall Order. (2017, June 14). Retrieved from https://bloodcenter.stanford.edu/for-giraffes-blood-circulation-is-a-tall-order/

Giraffes have high blood pressure. Why don’t they drop dead? | Novartis. (2015, November 4). Retrieved from https://www.novartis.com/stories/from-our-labs/giraffes-have-high-blood-pressure-why-dont-they-drop-dead

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