Short, Snowy Walk At London’s Sifton Bog

After running errands in London, Ontario, we decided to enjoy one of London’s many hiking trails. Sifton Bog offers several short hikes (totaling 2.7 kilometres) that are well marked with yellow trail blazes.

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The trails were obviously well used, even in the winter, because the trails were packed down. Off in every direction there were signs of deer, squirrels and other creatures also making good use of the urban park.2015-Sifton-Bog-Trail-London-Ontario-Winter-6880 Short, Snowy Walk At London's Sifton Bog

One of the reasons we chose this path was because we knew that it wasn’t too long for Maya to enjoy. As our dogs age, we have to be aware of their limitations while still trying to keep them as active as possible.
2015-Sifton-Bog-Trail-London-Ontario-Winter-6882 Short, Snowy Walk At London's Sifton Bog
Along the path there were signs about their Buckthorn removal project. This European invader can be found throughout North America and is very prolific.
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The yellow trail blazes were easy to follow, and I would imagine they would be very visible to hikers in any season.

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It was wonderful to see that the city was leaving many large, dead trees for the wildlife. These trees are not only potential homes for many wildlife species, but also a great place to hide and find food. All of the trees were arbored to make them safe for hikers, even if they were to fall over in the future.

2015-Sifton-Bog-Trail-London-Ontario-Winter-6892 Short, Snowy Walk At London's Sifton BogCheck out the layers of snow on this fallen log. It’s increasing to see the textures created over various days of snow as it falls, melts and freezes.

This has been the only time that we have hiked Sifton Bog. We would definitely like to come back and hike the whole thing in various seasons. The environmentally significant area features some fascinating ecosystems and their related flora and fauna.

For a map and more information, go to their site.


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