Beulach Ban Falls At Cape Breton Highlands National Park

During our one week stay at the Cape Breton Highlands National Park we experienced many days that were too hot to do long hikes or hikes without shade. So, we found as many of the shorter, shaded trails as we could and one of those was the short trail to the Beulach Ban Falls. Down a dirt road we found the parking lot to the falls and spotted some beautiful Blue Flag Irises in the wetlands along the edge of the trail.

The waterfall, which used to be called the Horsetail Falls, had only a little bit of water cascading down its 65 foot face, but it was beautiful, none the less. Visitors can continue to hike down the Aspy Trail, which is about 5 kilometres long.

Beulach Ban means “White Gorge” in Gaelic

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