Dory Rips and Lighthouse At Cape D’Or

On our 32nd day of camping were still in Nova Scotia touring around and seeing what we could see. We had stayed two nights in Parrsboro at some pretty nasty cottages that I won’t mention but I definitely won’t recommend.

That morning we quickly packed up to leave the cottage as early as possible, we even left without eating breakfast. We grabbed something on the way to Partridge Island, which is behind the Ottawa House, just outside of Parrsboro. We did some rock hunting and watched locals pulling dulce (purple seaweed) in at low tide.

After a few stops at some artsy sho,ps we drove out to Cape D’Or to check out the lighthouse and the dory rips! We didn’t show up at the best of times, so it wasn’t as spectacular as we thought it would be but it was interesting to read about it. This phenomenon only occurs in this spot, at the entrance to Minas Basin, due to the fact that it has the highest tides in the world and three different tidal currents collide here.

The park area has a trail, washrooms, guesthouse and a restaurant available. The area features some spectualar views of the Bay of Fundy and the surrounding cliffs.

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