Rugged Coast At Kejimkujik National Park Seaside, Nova Scotia

The cold morning started with Maya having an upset stomach, for some reason. Whether she ate something she shouldn’t have, or the Shelburne Street Party kept her awake, we don’t know.

We decided to take a drive north toward Lunenburg but stopped first at the Kejimkujik National Park Seaside, which was along our route. The coastline was absolutely breathtaking. The rugged beach, with its what sand and crystal clear Altantic waters were beyond description. Off in the distance we spotted harbour seals and cormorants lounging and enjoying the sun on rocks just off shore.

We walked for a while until Maya decided it was time to put her heritage to work and try to retrieve something. She preceeded to jump into the water searching for something to bring back. After a while of looking for the obvious sticks, she started bringing back seaweed and seagrapes. Some of these marine plants were floating at the surface, but other she actually had to drive down a bit to retrieve. She was definitely a very successful Labrador Retriever and we enjoyed watching her enjoy herself so much.

Skip to 3:47 to see video from the park and of Maya retrieving.

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